Jack the SMLaker

Location: Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, United States

I Love Jesus, my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and my country, in that order.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Brother Bud THE PUSHER! (Wonder what I'm about to eat?)

My brother Bud was a pusher with sound effects. He remained that way his entire life. I was and still am a banger. Everyone knows that God only makes two kinds of boys. Pushers and bangers. A pusher is a boy that plays with any thing with wheels, wings, runs on a track, or has spokes, and moves up or down and may have a motor to imitate with verooms of cars and trucks, and roars like an airplane. Bud spent hours pushing toy cars around the house or flying airplanes by holding them in his hand and running through out the house and yard diving the plane down low and up as high as he could reach. Every now and then he had two planes, one in each hand. Then he had two motors to make. He was gifted. Everyone knew he was gifted. I tried to keep up but being younger and no talents as a pusher I was a total failure. I had no talent being a motor. Bud talked and slept cars, airplanes, trucks, busses, and wagons, even roller-skates and bicycles.

Christmas Eve Dad would set up the train platform that he made. It was about 4 by 7 foot with two track loops with painted roads and a lake. We had a mountain tunnel on a curve on the back right corner then onto the bridge over a lake on the back center. Then left turn to the left side over a switch to the round house in the middle center of the board. The outer loop had a Depot for passengers and a ramp for loading and unloading milk cans from an automatic milk boxcar. Dad made the buildings, tunnel, bridge and the roundhouse. He decorated the whole board with little houses that lit up to look like a village. It was beautiful and Bud spent hours running the train. He was the sound and could choo-choo and whistle with the best. I only wanted to operate the train when he was doing it. That sounds like a normal younger brother. When it was my turn I would take it apart to see how it worked and put it back together. Bud was a pusher to the end. He went into the Navy V-5 program at 17 and one half years with parent's signature. Learned to fly Navy fighters on and off Aircraft Carriers day and at night. When he would explain a maneuver with his hand as the airplane here came the noise of the motor. He was a very gifted pusher the best I have ever known.

I was a banger with sound effects. Bangers bang and shoot Indians, or robbers, and during the war the Germans, known as Krauts, and the Japanese were Japs. I am sure we bangers on our block shortened the war by years. Bud was a pusher and never got involved with bangers. We bangers had forts, trenches, foxholes and all types of defenses in the vacant lots on our street.

I had a white handled six-shooter cap pistol with a leather holster; a real bent barreled .22cal. lever action rifle without a bolt. If it could have been shot, the shooter would have been shot in the ear due to the bend of the barrel. But it was a REAL rifle. The other bangers had homemade rifles made from a wooden board.

There were more bangers than pushers in those day and it was a good thing if you look back and check the statistics you will see how safe the streets were, all because we bangers had our six shooters strapped on and were not afraid to protect girls, women, small children, and any old person over 20.

Theirs no wonder in today’s America, that half of the boys are in danger of becoming extinct. We have stifled a generations of bangers. If a boy banger is not allowed to develop his natural gifts, then this country will become even more lawless than it is now. Today's boys are forced to be politically correct PCc). The removal of cap pistols from the hands of little boys have made our streets unsafe for all of us over 20, not to mention the girls, women, and small children. Its no wonder so many boys are on Ritalin. The PCers have turned the bangers from defenders into druggies.

Bud could tell you how the motor in a car worked. How the gears worked. How the drive train worked. But I could take them apart and repair what he talked about. I was very valuable when Bud's bicycle needed repair. Little brothers are worth a lot sometimes.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I received a wonderful honor on Sunday afternoon. I was extremely busy cheering on the Washington Redskins as they beat the Cowboys rather soundly, 3 points. I have live in Redskin territory for 76 years and have weathered the ups and downs of MY Skins all those years. Our son usually phones us at that time on Sunday to keep us up-to-date on his familie’s life. With three boys active in all events, he has a lot to inform the elders. I am always out of breath and need a nap after all the action reports.

You could not guess who was on the phone. He just called me personally to check in and to ask me do him a personal favor. I was thrilled to think that he would call me, of all the people in Southwest Virginia I was on his mind during a Redskin game against the Cowboys. (The skins won by 3 points.)

thrill (thr¹l) v. thrilled, thrill·ing, thrills. --tr. 1. To cause to feel a sudden intense sensation; excite greatly. 2. To give great pleasure to; delight. 3. To cause to quiver, tremble, or vibrate. --intr. 1. To feel a sudden quiver of excitement or emotion. 2. To quiver, tremble, or vibrate. --thrill n. 1. A quivering or trembling caused by sudden excitement or emotion. 2. A source or cause of excitement or emotion. 3. Pathology. A slight palpable vibration that often accompanies certain cardiac and circulatory abnormalities. --thrill“ing·ly adv.
It took me several seconds to find my voice, after I went through all the above feelings of the above definition. When he asked me to vote on Tuesday because it was important for the welfare of the country. I said to John, “I have never missed a vote as yet.” But John never stopped talking.

I tried to interrupt him several times but to no avail. John McCain is not my favorite Republicans and I wanted to ask him about why he would ever go in with Feingold to write anything, especially a very bad law. I guess he was not taking any questions due to his busy schedule and it being Sunday afternoon during the Redskin game with the Cowboys, which the Skins won by 3 points?

Excuse me a moment; the phone is ringing.

Sorry about the delay. I had to answer a call from Rudy.

Rudy Giuliani just called me to be sure and vote on Tuesday. I tried to tell him the same thing I told John, but he didn’t stop talking either? Rudy went through a list of Democrats that would take control of the congress if the Republicans lost power. He gave me a sense of FEAR. (Disregard both number 3’s below, they don’t apply to Democrats. See note below definition)

fear (fîr) n. 1.a. A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. b. A state or condition marked by this feeling. 2. A feeling of disquiet or apprehension. 3. (See note below) Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a supreme power. 4. A reason for dread or apprehension. --fear v. feared, fear·ing, fears. --tr. 1. To be afraid or frightened of. 2. To be uneasy or apprehensive about. 3. (See note below) To be in awe of; revere. 4. To consider probable; expect. 5. Archaic. To feel fear within (oneself). --intr. 1. To be afraid. 2. To be uneasy or apprehensive. --fear“er n.

Note on the two 3’s above. The Bible often refers to “Fear the Lord” as in divine reverence, awe, great wonder, and personal humbleness. None of which apply to Nancy and her ilk.

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, are you trying to keep me awake tonight?

I’m just happy knowing that God is in control of the world, this country, and my life. All is well.

He has not ever relinquished the destiny of the world to mankind, and that includes global warming, the ozone hole, and all the other stuff the LEFT is promoting.

I fall back on Walter Martin’s interpretation of Romans 8:28. “God takes all the evil in this world and turns it to good according to his purpose.” Martin was the founder of “The Bible Answer Man,” a radio program of yesteryear.

If the Democrats get control of the government Tuesday night, I will be interested in seeing how God will turn that into good according to His purpose.

But, I will keep a close eye on the 4.4% unemployment. What will an increase on minimum wage do to that 4.4%? (See note below on minimum wage.) One-half of the National Dept has been paid by taxes collected at a reduced tax rate in an extremely high economy. We will see day by day. Keep an eye on the stock market. Will it keep going up?

I don’t think so-

Note on minimum wage: I heard that Union wages are based on minimum wage. Seems that the union contracts increase automatically the wages of union workers a goodly amount with each minimum wage increase. Due you think this is a payoff time by the Democrats for the unions? Or are the Democrats really interested in the minimum wage workers?

I don’t think so-

Be sure to read articles by two Democrats:


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