Location: Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, United States

I Love Jesus, my wife, my children, my grandchildren, and my country, in that order.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Girls weren’t made from dirt like boys. Girls were made from a bloody bone from a dirt-made boy’s rib over his heart, not his foot or arm. Girls are God’s greatest creation, saved for last. Their plumbing is internal, a real improvement when running unashamed, naked through the garden in Eden.

1951 was a good year, mostly. I graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology on June 2 and married Miss Shirley Ann on June 16 at 2 PM at the Kane Baptist Church in Kane, Pennsylvania, with reception in the basement. It was a first class location because the exposed plumbing and cinder block walls had been painted white.

My wedding was the real beginning of my love for girls and their dedication and devotion toward us dirt men in their lives. God had to create that love for us dirt men as an instinct much like birds fly south and monarch butterflies go to Mexico. I do know for a fact that baby girls while still in the delivery room, take one look at their fathers through blurred vision eyes and as soon as they fix those film covered eyes on his face think, “I’ve got you figured out Daddy O. I won’t have any trouble guiding you through life with me my way.”

I started my profession as a baby photographer in Washington DC and vicinity during the baby boom of the 50’s. We gave a free 5X7 black and white portrait of baby to customers of diaper services. We figured the customers would buy babies first pictures. For 35 years I specialized in child and family photography in studio and homes. The free give away lasted until the invention of paper diapers put the diaper service home delivery out of business.

A photographer has to quickly determine how to gain trust enough in each person to break down the natural façade they arrive with. I know when they say, “I never take a good picture,” that I will have great success getting a good result. (Unless they are ugly as sin inside and out.) What the photographer is trying to capture is the beautiful person inside each of us. We tend to hide that person from public view for reasons unknown to me.

Babies come into this world a person different from anyone ever born. They grow up into people who just age and don’t change very much to the end. Like finger prints. Girl and boy babies are as different as a new BMW is from an old garbage truck. At three months of age babies have clear vision. Boys hold stuff in their hands and examine it closely. Girls look you in the eye and talk the talk. This is where the difference is first noticed. Girls like push over men. Boys like mother and stuff, in that order.

It takes a lot of sweet talk to get little girls to respond and do what you want. So what else is new? Coos, small talk and smiles bring smiles. Girls will keep their eyes on your eyes at all times. They are not interested in the camera or lights as long as you keep your face in their face and give your undivided attention to them. They are not interested in my things, only me. Light touch on the hands, pat on the back and a tickle under the chin is all that is needed to bring out those smiles. Everything gentle and quiet.
Girls are built neat. They have great proportions. Their head size fit their frame. Hands and feet are just the right size. Small noses and ears. Girls have round corners; nothing is ever square. Little girls are Gods greatest creation, no doubt.

Boys are totally opposite. They could care less about me. Boys like to watch the equipment being assembled and anything that makes a noise is favored. They fix their eyes on the pen in a shirt pocket. I learned early to remove all pens, watches and ties. And if that doesn’t work, get a soft stuffed animal. I found a Raggedy Ann doll works best because it has a big painted grin smile for a face and a skirt. (Remember, we boys like girls better than boys.) To get the little rug hugger to pay attention, I pop him in the nose and say, “Boo.” Bang on his hands and be loud and physical. Sweet talk a boy and he’d look away to the lights and camera.

Boys are not neat. They are oversized with big heads; noses, ears, hands, feet and stomach. Lets face it they are square and lumpy. Some boys can’t hold their heads up at four months. It takes four to six months for some to develop enough strength to lift the weight of their heads. When I photographed boys, I often had mothers ask me if I thought that their child might be retarded? They probably were comparing their kid to the girl next door. Almost always they had one of those bigheaded boys. I told them no and followed with a first-hand true story from my distant past.

We had a neighbor who gave birth to a big boy about a week before we had our first perfect girl child. We went to visit them and saw a head in the crib with arms and legs flat out on his back. After our perfect girl was born we had an occasion to visit them and laid our perfect girl in the crib with the head with arms and legs. When the four of us saw them together foot to foot we had to laugh at the difference. His head was the size of a dinner plate and Miss Prefect’s the size of a fine porcelain saucer. It took a full year for him to begin standing while Miss Perfect was running into trouble at nine months. By the time he walked at 15 months, he had so much strength and size you had better not get in his way for fear of being harmed. Our very best wishes --Pam and

Dirt-boys are physical; girls are emotional.

Take that Woman Libber. Boys and girls are born different. The only thing similar is that they are both human beings. I think some of the boys and men I have met didn’t live up to even that similarity. Science has recently shown that the male child’s brain goes through a massive shot of testosterone that separates the dirt-boy’s brains left side from the right side. We men tend to be a little brain dead from then on.

(The bad part of 1951 started when I got drafted into the Army in September. I didn't like it one bit. Must be a story there?)

This is Memorial Day. Remember to keep this wonderful Nation in your payers every day. Even if some have asked Him to get out of our government and take His commandments with Him!


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